Hello Florida and Michigan!

Two of my student mentorships for ECMP 355 have already begun.

The First Email from a Student!
The First Email from a Student!

Over the weekend, I created this video for Ms. Ionno’s class in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida to introduce myself to her students.  I’ve had one student already email me informing me that NASCAR fans are crazier than Saskatchewan Roughrider fans.  (The video is at the bottom of this blog post)

This morning I also got up early and spoke with Michael Kaechele‘s Grade 6 Math Class and his Grade 8 Tech Class later on.  I did this through Skype, which was really neat as the students were all able to ask me questions.  The most interesting question?: “Why don’t you have a Canadian accent?”

These were both scary but exciting experiences.  It boggles my mind that 11 and 12 year olds in Florida were watching a video of me.  And talking to 6th and 8th graders in Michigan over the internet was really neat.

I can’t wait to get deeper into these mentorships and get my other two going!

Introduction Video for Ms. Ionno
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Comments 4
  1. Hi Kyle – I saw your blog mentioned on Twitter by @shareski and thought I would take a look. As a Floridian I especially enjoyed watching your video and I am sure the Palm Beach Gardens students did as well. Your excitement for teaching and technology will likely be contagious with your students. Keep it going!

  2. Melissa, thanks for the feedback! I can’t believe this is reaching others in Florida as well! I have to thank Dean for the help on that one!

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