The Zoo

I decided randomly on two tools to use from Alan Levine‘s list of Fifty Tools. I decided to use Vuvox Collage and Animoto.

Using Animoto didn’t require much work.  It basically did it all for me once I uploaded my videos and pictures. However, I wasn’t thrilled about the 30 second limit (I could get more time if I paid). I would have liked to include many more photos. You can view it below or here.

Using Vuvox Collage was really neat. I think some really amazing stuff could be made with this tool. It was really easy to upload and use my photos and videos and adding text was really easy. You can see my creation below or here. I really wish I would have given myself more time to play with this tool.

I hope to explore more of the tools listed and find some more great ones!

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Comments 4
  1. Sorry Dean I just embedded them and updated my post.

    Also, I noticed in the Vuvox it says just “Bi” for some reason. I did have “Birds” written in their but that somehow got lost when it published.

  2. Kyle:
    I also used Animoto, and was disppointed with the thirty second limit. Thirty seconds is not a lot of time for too many photos!!

    1. Yeah it’s really too bad because it makes some really cool final products. I’ll definitely be playing with it some more.

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