Productivity with Wear Pomodoro

I think it’s safe to say that staying organized and using my time productively is something I struggle with on a daily basis.  I am excited to read other #saskedchat blog posts about this topic, since I have a lot to learn in this department!

One of the best tools I have tried out lately has been a Pomodoro timer app, called Wear Pomodoro, that I use on my smart watch.  Once I hit go, it starts a timer for 25 minutes.  After 25 minutes, it will buzz and make me get up and start moving around.  My watch can detect once I’m up and moving and once I am up a 5 minute timer starts, indicating it’s break time. Then, it will buzz again and it’s back to work for 25 minutes.   After a number of these, the app will give me a longer break.   The entire app is based on of the Pomodoro Technique.

According to Wikipedia, there are five basic steps to implementing the technique:

  1. Decide on the task to be done
  2. Set the pomodoro timer to n minutes (traditionally 25)[1]
  3. Work on the task until the timer rings; record with an x
  4. Take a short break (3–5 minutes)
  5. After four pomodori, take a longer break (15–30 minutes)

I have also found that my breaks can’t be browsing Facebook or playing a game on my phone. They need to be completely different that how I am working, which is usually at a desk on my computer.  I have started to build in other items I need to get done, like dishes, or a laundry, or shovelling snow.   Now, not only am I getting more work done by focusing in for that period of time, but I’m checking more things off of my general to-do list.

I’m not sure how long this technique will continue to work for me, but I hope it will, at the very least, help me work towards using my time in a more focused way.

While looking up the link for the app, I also found another version for Android Wear that I’ll check out: Wear Tomato.



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Comments 8
  1. I am definitely interested in the whole wearable tech movement and, especially, how it will impact learning and development. In a society that is way too sedentary, the idea of wearable tech helping us get up and get moving is just a small part of what, I think, will be a change in how tech is integrated in our lives. Thanks for sharing. I’m interested in how you see this changing your habits.

    1. I think the potential impact of wearable tech is quite exciting, especially if it’s gets us up and moving. If, somehow, it just allows and encourages us to remain sedentary, then I think we have a problem on our hands. It does seem that developers are making sure that people use their bodies while using their apps, which I think is a great step in the right direction.

      About a year and a half ago I purchased a Jawbone UP fitness tracker. I wouldn’t say it made a profound difference on my life, but it gave me a metric to see how active I was on any given day. Having that data made me realize that the days I’m not moving much are also the days I feel sluggish near the end of the day. I think providing this kind of information can be powerful, but it’s ultimately up to the user to decide what to do with it.

  2. This is genius! I’ve been thinking about smart watches for some time, but haven’t quite jumped in… they seem like one of those things that I’ll find a use for as soon as I have one, but can’t think of them yet. This post helps! (The next step is checking one… do I stick with IOS or make the Android switch?)

    When working, lately, I’ve fallen into time sinks… hours of looking at the screen with little progress. Logically, I know that getting up and moving around would help me be more productive in the long run, but it’s hard to decide when the right time to go. Sticking to a timed system might be the rigidity I need. It’s good to hear that it’s working for you!

    1. I didn’t really see the point of getting one at first. Then my day-to-day watch broke.. and I found a great black Friday deal. Next thing I knew, I was pulling the trigger on purchasing one. As of right now, I don’t think the Android wear plays well with iOS, but I know there has been advances made with this. I am a big Android proponent and I think Android Wear will be a couple steps ahead of Apple, having been around longer.

      The timed system to keep me accountability has worked wonders. I am still nowhere near as productive as I think I could be, but as long as I’m heading in that direction it’s good!

  3. Wow, that sounds so interesting.
    In my old and stubborn head, I am very hesitant of going to use wearable device telling me to get up and do something. I feel like I have a brain, let’s make it work. But this old brain sometimes refuses to work too.
    I look forward hearing you about this in future.

    1. It’s funny how our brains sometimes fail us in this regard. I find myself knowing I should do something in say 45 minutes, but then 2 hours later I realize that I’ve forgotten. For me, this technology has allowed me to keep on top of these tasks and make it more of a habit. The tools are allowing me to be more self-aware and challenge me to do something about it.

  4. How interesting! I think I have used a sort of pomodori type of system in the past without knowing it. This is how I get housework done. I’m not a wearable tech person yet but have used the timer on my microwave! Does that count?

    1. I think so! Even with my watch, I can only have one timer going at a time. Sometimes I have my watch, my phone, and the microwave all going at the same time! As long as it works for you, that’s what matters most!

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