It has been a while..

It has been quite some time since I have made any sort of blog post.  Once finals hit last semester, I tried my best to concentrate my efforts towards my studying.  It paid off since I received some very good grades last semester.  I also was hoping to blog a little over my Christmas break.  However, when I got home I remembered that we only have dial-up internet access, so I didn’t find it worth my time to sit and wait 3/4 of an hour when I could be enjoying my limited time at home with my family.

My brother, sister and myself on Christmas day
My brother, sister and myself on Christmas day

So what have I been up to lately?

Well, classes have started which always keeps me busy.  I am taking two mathematics class (abstract algebra and Euclidean geomerty), EMTH (Math education), EPS (Education Professional Studies), and ECMP 455 (the sequel to 355 last semester).  I’m looking forward to all the things I will learn in these classes.

Also, encouraged by Dean Shareski, I purchased my own domain and some hosting, which you probably already know if you’re reading this.  It took longer than I had hoped, and has been my excuse for not blogging recently.  Now I’m hoping to get into it more and really put this space to good use.

I’m also trying to do the picture a day, 365-2010.  However, it’s not going very well.  I think out of the 18 days so far, I only have 10 photos.  Not because I forget, but more so because I can never seem to find anything interesting to photograph.  I think it will get better and easier the more I do it, or at least that’s what I’m hoping.
That’s all I have for now. Hopefully I can put something more interesting up here soon!

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Comments 6
  1. Glad to see you all set up in the “new place” It looks good. Regarding the photo a day. Here’s a great site for inspiration: Also follow them on twitter. Everyday at 9AM they post a challenge or idea. It can be very helpful. I often look back at the archives for ideas as well.

  2. I hear ya with the slow internet access at home. During the holidays it was almost enlightening not to have the urge to check Facebook, or to just ‘surf’ the internet for hours on end. Instead I visited with family and friends and actually had time to relax. It’s surprising how much more time a person really has during the day if you take out the useless hours we spent online being unproductive!

  3. Dean, thanks for the link to dailyshoot. I think this will come in very handy for those days that I cannot seem to find anything interesting to shoot.

    Bradie, I had to fight the urge to kill time on the internet. It almost felt like I was disconnected from the world. When really I was spending more time than ever catching up with my friends and family. I really need to work on reducing my time wasted online because I think I’m spending more and more time doing unproductive things online.

  4. Amy, I purchased my own domain ( and some hosting which allows you to use custom themes. I found this theme on a free theme site, so I can’t take the credit for it. My plan is one day to create my own, but as of right now, I don’t have time.

  5. Wow, I still can’t believe you have your own website, but looking through it.. I’m pretty impressed! Good work:) I really like the my 365, great idea haha, looks like your putting that camera to use! Anywho, just figured I’d comment. Talk to you soon!

    P.S. I love the family picture of us!

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