A Reflection

This is my slidecast of the reflection I presented to my ECMP 455 class last night. The audio not perfect, but after probably fifteen different tries, I’ve realized that it probably never will be. Enjoy!

[slideshare id=3750560&doc=kylewebbreflectionecmp455-100416125154-phpapp02]

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Comments 3
  1. Great reflection Kyle. I like the slidecast idea and think your slides are very well done. It was good to learn from you this semester and I look forward to what I will learn from you as I continue to follow your blog and your twitter updates. Keep posting quality stuff!

  2. Fantastic work, Kyle. It’s been great learning from you. From what I’ve seen from you over the course of the semester, you’re a step ahead of the game when compared to other education students going into their third year. I’m anticipating some great things from you.

  3. Thanks Jordan and Mike. The slidecast was surprisingly simple to do, once I finally came up with a recording that I didn’t mess up too much. It was great learning from and with you two over the semester, and I hope that can continue to happen down the road, outside of this class. I look forward to hearing about your experiences down the road and how they can help me!

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